===== Extract Email Address ===== The file abc.af looks like this: R1211566974^M F^M T^M The following extracts the two email addresses: cat abc.af |perl -wne'while(/[\w\.\-]+@[\w\.\-]+\w+/g){print "$&\n"}' fettle@333empire.com gwensadler@vp.dk ===== Making a list one line ===== If you have a list in a textfile: abd def ghi You want to make into: abc def ghi Do this: cat /tmp/textfile |tr "\n" " " > /tmp/textfile.withoutnewlines.txt This command substitute newlines ("\n") with spaces (" ") and send it to the file textfile.withoutnewlines.txt ===== Extract FQDN from URL ===== tdd@host:~/bin$ echo "http://domain.tdl/xx.?=0/ff" |awk -F '/' '{print $3}' domain.tdl tdd@host:~/bin$